Scoville-Meno TCGA Junior Tour Information

Age Divisions

  • 10-12 years old (9 holes)
  • 13-14 years old (18 holes)
  • 15-18 years old (18 holes)


  • Each tournament will have online registration through Golf Genius
  • Golfers must have a USGA/GHIN Handicap
    • USGA/GHIN Handicap is available for free for all junior golfers residing in the TCGA counties through our TCGA eClub or free through any NYS eClub for those junior golfers that do not live in the TCGA region
  • Golfers must have a Golf Genius Account, please see our Registration Page for details
  • Participation in the Scoville-Meno TCGA Junior Tour Championship is limited to those Juniors that meet TCGA Membership requirements.
  • Registration will be open for all events on Monday, June 2nd at 12 PM
    • Exception: Registration for the Scoville-Meno TCGA Junior Tour Championship will begin Tuesday 7/15 at 12 PM
  • Registration will close three days before each event at 5 PM

Tee Times

  • Tee Times will be available on the Golf Genius event page and emailed to participants/parents 1-2 days prior to the tournament.
  • Please make sure you are aware of your tee time and arrive at the course at least 30 minutes prior to it.

Double Par Rule

All participants will take a score no higher than double the par on a given hole.  For example, if the hole is a par 4 the golfer cannot take a score higher than 8.  If a golfer is on his/her 8th shot he/she simply will pick up their ball and help the other participants finish the hole. This is to speed up pace of play.


Trophies will be awarded to the winners of each division at each event.

Junior Tour Championship

  • Participation in the Scoville-Meno TCGA Junior Tour Championship is limited to those Juniors that meet TCGA Membership requirements.
  • The Junior Tour Championship field may need to be further limited based on participation. The committee will make any decisions regarding the reduction of the field.

For Questions or Additional Information

Contact Matt Morley at [email protected]
