TCGA Membership Structure
To compete in TCGA events, all golfers must either:
- Hold an active USGA/GHIN Handicap Index at a 2025 TCGA Member Club (list on our Member Club page),
- Reside in the TCGA boundaries (list below) and have joined the TCGA eClub for their USGA/GHIN Handicap (link below)
Notice to existing Southern Tier eClub GHIN members: The TCGA will consider Southern Tier eClub members coupled with residency in the below eligible counties as TCGA Members. We ask those participants to please join the TCGA eClub as their one-year Southern Tier eClub membership expires and switch their auto renewal to the TCGA eClub either on the GHIN website or in the app. This is a quick process done with your existing GHIN number, please reach out with any questions.
Exception: For all team events, only one member of the team must meet the membership criteria.
Eligible Counties: Broome, Chenango, Tioga, Delaware, Susquehanna (PA) and Bradford (PA)
2025 TCGA eClub
Golfers who reside in the counties listed above who do not hold an active USGA/GHIN Handicap Index through their home club can join an the TCGA eClub to establish a USGA/GHIN Handicap Index and gain eligibility to compete in TCGA competitions.
Note: The cost of a USGA/GHIN Handicap Index through the TCGA eClub is:
- FREE for all Junior Golfers
- $45 for all other golfers